Sunday, March 5, 2017

Starting wings-spars

After having mastered the tail section, now it is time to start taking bigger bites. Goal is to have the wings done by August for a late summer trip to Vans to pick up the fuselage kit. At least this is what I am telling people. The real goal is to have the garage cleaned out enough to get the fuselage kit inside by August.

The wing spars went together fine, but there are some minor things to be aware of. I had to look at a few other builders website and a few pictures of their spars to figure out the plans.(Thank you, thank you, and thank you)

First thing is the inboard spar doubler gets several countersunk holes. 3 of these are for the gap fairing that will have another thin sheet between the countersunk hole and the rivet. Therefore these 3 have to be set 0.007" deeper to allow for the skin. The other countersunk holes just see the rivet so these are set flush. Now there are regular rivets up near the top web. These are called out as standard rivets, but they are very close to the rivets that will be used for the skin attach and am not sure if I can bet a bucking bar on these. I am wondering if these should be flush rivets instead. I followed the plans, because I don't know what I don't know, but I did put the manufactured head on the outside so I could drill it out if I have to switch rivet styles later. Here is a pick of the root doubler and the rivets.

 The tip was fairly straight forward except the plans do not call out leaving out the rivets for the aileron bracket. So only the inboard six holes got rivets right now. Seems this is the same as the root doubler, only 6 rivets installed at this stage.
After these steps were done, it doesn't seem like much was accomplished, but this was a full page, so it is a good start on the wings. Now to deburr and straighten the ribs. And get the wings build jigs bolted to the garage floor.

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