Friday, February 21, 2020

forward fuse

The forward fuselage of my slider is a little tricky.

There is a slight bend in the sub panel near the bottom; without this, the fit is terrible. I marked the bend, used an 18" brake on the outside, and a block of wood clamped to the table for the center section's bend.

The center web does not have prepunched holes in either the firewall, nor the web.
There are many ways others have installed this part. Here is what I did:

I first built up the web per the plans. Then I assembled it all together but put the forward skin on one hole back, so I can see to mark the location of the web on the firewall.
 I made the holes in the same vertical location as the outside ribs

 Then I put the skin on properly, drilled the top hole and clecoed.
I then removed the skin, aligned the rib to vertical, and drilled the remaining holes.

Unfortunately, the center brace is now no longer sitting on the firewall angle, so I will make a spacer. I had aligned the angle to the web based on a center line drawn on the angle. I probably should have drilled the rib to firewall first before drilling the angle to the web.