Saturday, March 28, 2020

Tail Wiring

So I am trying real hard to get the turtle deck on the tail. But first I decided I would install the wiring to the tail and the ELT mount; basically as much as I could before covering up the tail section. I really dread the thought of having to crawl in the tail to do systems installation.

So the pitch autopilot servo is in and wired, and the Canbus to the tail mounted GMU11 magnetometer is installed. I also installed a DTM connector in the tail for the electric elevator trim.
Lastly I installed the ELT mount kit from Vans. Of course there was a slight mod so that the mounting hole pattern would fit both of the most popular ELTs.

All that's left is the ELT wiring, and the doubler for the ELT antenna, then I think I can install the tail's top skin, or turtle deck.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Subpanel Layout

So I am looking at subpanel layouts. My equipment not on the panel is all Garmin:
G3X displays (GDU 430)
GNX 375 GPS/ xpnder
GNC 255 Com1 / nav
GMA 245 Audio panel
GMC 507 Autopilot controller
G5 backup attitude

Behind the panel is:
GMA245R (GTR20) Remote Radio
GEA24 Engine interface
GAD 29  ARNIC interface
GAD 27 Airframe Interface (flaps, etc)

Here is my layout.
Please provide comments on the layout, especially the pieces on the subpanel.
