I dont think I am very good at building yet because I am just starting this journey. But I took a day off from building and went surfing with my daughter. It was fun. Towards the end of our session, the waves started walling up and I got rolled in two waves. It is an interesting feeling, being in a ball underwater, trying to keep from getting dorked in the head, waiting for the board leash to pull tight so you know the board is away from you. When I got out, I noticed what once was a straight leash now had a knot; still cant explain how I tied a knot in a leash while it was on my foot and attached to the board. So I guess I am a better builder than surfer; not saying much for my building skills.
While last week I was able to get the spars for the horizontal stab countersunk. This was the first real test of my building and machining skills and came out good. I was also able to prime the skins, ribs, and miscellaneous brackets. The forward attach brackets are 6061 aluminum and need to be primed. Since I am using rattle can primer, I went ahead and top coated these in white paint to provide proper corrosion prevention.
The FAA likes to see a few pictures during the build with the builder in the picture, so here you go. I am sure when I am flying, in (cough) years, I will look exactly the same.
Paraphrasing a smart man: slow, steady progress is still progress.
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