Much progress has been made on the fuselage. I realize this is a long build; much like the wings, I look at the instructions and see what I have accomplished and what I have left to go, and just gain a little more respect for all those who have gone before. I keep telling myself there are over a thousand flying, and at least one that has flown around the world. Thanks to all those trailblazers.
The fuse continues with the center section assembly. Much of it to plans, but the crotch belt hold downs were an update that is not explicitly called out in the instructions. I decided to do this while installing the ribs. This allowed me to use solid rivets. I also had to use the 90 degree drill adapter and a 12" #30 bit. I was able to use solid rivets due to my doing this as the center section was assembled. (The separate instructions assume a retrofit and used pulled rivets.)
Riveting the center section had its difficult moments. It took some effort to get to the rivets for the center ribs and the center-rear bulkhead. If I was to do this again, I would start with the most central ribs and rivet from the center to the outside squeezing the rear and crotch belt supports, and using the rivet gun for the very front.
Once the ribs were in, I turned it up on the edge of the bench and most of the skin rivets were easy with my awesome helper holding the bar. I had to remove the control column brackets and 2 of the 4 seat belt anchors to get access.
To me it was not clear when to dress the R-915 side ribs. I did those after the structure and skin were riveted on and this worked out well. These must be fluted to match the curve of the side skins. I was able to use the prepunched holes and the seat floor edge to judge the fluting. They came out well.
After all this fun, here is the milestone shot. The one that shows real progress is being made. (At least until it comes time to take it apart to deburr and dimple.)
I realize I did not install the optional AHDRS mount in the aft fuselage. I am thinking I am going to put it up front to avoid more wires and tubing going through the center section. That is my story and I am sticking to it. ;-)