Sunday, October 16, 2016

More steps

This weekend, I was able to complete the right side of the horizontal stabilizer. And the local high school celebrated with fireworks.

This was a major riveting sessions. I wish I would have bought a tungsten bucking bar for the nose ribs; it is really hard getting in there; those rivets aren't pretty but acceptable because I had to make do with the bars I had. I tried using a big chisel and other thin steel objects, but they just didn't have the mass to buck. It can be done with the standard bucking bars, but just takes time and yoga.

This kit is very precisely made; if the holes are off by a few thousandths of an inch, then something is wrong. The skin needed some clearance filing around the front spar brackets. Otherwise the skin would have been right up against the brackets. This could produce a squeak in flight, or worse, be a start for skin cracking. A few swipes of a jeweler file relieved the skin a few hundredths of an inch. 

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