Wednesday, April 12, 2023

wing and flaps

 Below is the manometer setup to compare left and right wing incidence and flap setting. I think everything is within 0.2 degrees. Not bad for a airborne tractor.

I initially set the flaps angle with a digital degree meter. But I ended up measuring the space between the rear edge of the wing skin to the flap’s rivet and set both sides equal. Then I used the manometer to measure the incidence of both wings, from leading edge to rear edge of flap, and they are within 1/8” . I think that will be OK; I don't fly straight anyways.

3/19/23 Wing Install

 Built a wing cradle to help wih wing install. I was mentally ready to install today but when I brought the wing close to the fuselage, i realized the pitot and AoA lines have to move, and some wiring needed to be extended.

Got the left wing wiring done. I have the harness connectors between the wing and fuselage. I installed the left wing using the stand. It worked well, and made it a one man job.
I had redone the wires but realize they hit to control rods. The wires need to go through the original holes but with enough wire the connectors can sit between the inner rib and fuselage.
Edit: Yes I pulled both wings off and redid the wires and pitot lines at the root. Here are the final pictures. It seems there is only a 1/2 " available on the wing lightening hole for "stuff"; basically half the difference in diameter of the wing hole and the fuselage hole. If one exceeds this 1/2", then it will touch the aileron control rod.

3/22/23 UPDATE:
Wings on with temporary bolts.
 Had to pull both wings off due to wires and stuff hitting aileron control tube (see post above)
But cradle made it relatively easy to remove and reinstall wings.
Preliminary measurement shows no sweep and incidence within 0.5 degrees; Next up is drilling rear spar...

Cowl and Prop test fit

 Test fit.

Lower cowl needed the slot extended 3”. Was not a big deal.

When I cant think of anything else to do on engine, I will do wings and preliminary weighing
 3/19/2023 update:
I finished tidying up the cowl.
I lengthened nose gear slot 3 " to be able to remove cowl with prop attached. It works out well.
I also make the baffle rubber that goes between the front cowl inlets to the lower baffle ramps removable. There was no way the cowl would not go off and on with this baffle piece rigidly attached.

oil door

 Oil door is done. I might add a strip of stainless steel as a strike plate; we will have to watch the wear during flight testing. I used the trimmed piece off the cowl as a reinforcement, as others have suggested. I had the hinge backwards, couldn't figure out why it wouldn't open..... :-)

2/26/23 Baffles Done

 The baffles are completed. I found the two pieces on the inner area, on the left and right side, need to really be one piece. I tried two pieces, but there is no way to get the two pieces to lay flat. In the pictures I showed my approach and I circled the baffle that I think needs to be one piece.

Also started the louvers installation. I have an older cowl so I have to take out the honeycomb and add some glass. Not a big deal normally, but with temps in the 40F's, it is a little cold for the epoxy to cure. Seems to be curing OK thou after 24 hours.